You Are Beautiful As You Are

I know many women that have questioned their decision about getting breast implants. I am one of those women too, and in hope of helping others see a different perspective of this very personal decision or take a look at the deeply rooted issue tied to body image, I am sharing my experience with breast implants and my explant journey as it happens.

For all women, young and old, I am simply encouraging you to love yourself the way you are! We age, we change, we sag, we wrinkle- but love all of that because it is a beautiful story.

I will be navigating a new body to love very soon.

I am terrified.

 In full transparency, those that don’t already know this I will fill you in! Over sixteen years ago I made the decision to get breast implants. I don’t know that anyone could have talked me out of it (my husband tried) because I can be very stubborn and determined.

 However, after really diving into the many health complications over the past 8 years or so, I do believe these are a contributing factor to the constant inflammation which then leads to other things like brain fog, leaky gut, fatigue…I could go on and on and will share more over the next few weeks about breast implant illness, my experience in particular, and the journey to continue to love my body post explant.

If you are generally curious, have implants, are considering implants a good starting place is the documentary called Explant.

You all know I am an open book and all for sharing what I learn (even if it is the hard way). Please ask any questions.