5 Facts About Facial Masks

1. Masks have been used since the beginning of time….pretty much. Nearly every ancient culture includes stories of facial masks made from mud from the Dead Sea.  

2.Masks are perfect for combating specific skin issues. Avapure clay masks come in a variety of types, formulated with specific clays, herbs and extracts for various skin types and skin issues. Need a deep cleansing mask that tones the skin? Try the Deep Cleansing Charcoal Mask. Need something more hydrating and brightening? Give the Berries and Cream a try.

3. Masks are perfect to add to your skincare routine to promote healthier skin, but the act of self care is good for the body too. The aromas, the texture and the time dedicated to oneself is perfect for reviving the mind, body and SKIN!

4. Not every mask is meant to dry on the skin. Powder clay masks made with clay such as Kaolin, are intended to dry on the skin as it draws dirt and oil from the pores. Other ‘wet’ masks are intended to hydrate or exfoliate with ingredients such as Lactic Acid and Glycolic Acid. Vary up your mask routine to reap the benefits of both.

5. You don’t have to limit yourself to one area or one type. If your skin is problematic in one area and more sensitive in another, you can apply various masks to the different areas to treat your skin accordingly. If you chest or back is congested, you can mix up a large amount of Clarifying Green Tea Mask and apply to those areas. I love that you can get so creative when treating yourself with an at home facial with clay masks.