Go Green In Every Room

🌿Going Green In Every Room 🌿

In celebration of Earth Day's 50th anniversary this month, I want to share a few ways to be a bit greener all over your house. Here are some simple ideas for various common rooms in your home. 🌎 For the full list check out this post in Avapure’s Green Beauty and Beyond


➡️Put an "Eat me Now" box in the fridge to avoid the nearly pound of food wasted a day by each American! Having this designated box will be a starting point for snacks and meals.

➡️Put an end to your paper towel habit, for daily wipe downs and clean ups, switch to kitchen towels.

➡️Begin composting by using a cute compost bucket that you can gather scraps in over the week and toss once or twice into your compost pile outside.

➡️Start cooking in cast iron...like our Grandma's


➡️Upgrade your toilet to a water efficient model.

➡️Fill our tub without wasting water by plugging it immediately and adjusting the temperature as you fill to get it just right.

➡️Shorten your showers a little- just shaving off 60 seconds will save you more than 2 gallons of water which adds up to 800 plus a year.


➡️Wear what you have or hit up the thrift store.

➡️Detox your mattress- common foam mattresses contain materials made from petrochemicals that off gas toxic organic compounds.


➡️Adjust the hight of the mower to 1.5-2 inches. This helps strengthen the roots of the grass and shades them so the moisture in the soil doesn't evaporate- less time running the sprinkler.

➡️Make the most of mulch to keep weeks out without chemicals.

➡️Collect rainwater for your plants.


Go Green

With Earth Day being tomorrow, I challenge you to reflect on your habits routines and make at least one simple change.  The choices are unlimited.  However, just one simple adjustment in your routine will make a difference for you and possibly open the door to other "greener" options.

Listed below are 20 suggestions, some simple and others a little more challenging and time consuming.  However, just try to make one change...it may lead to more.

  • Start a compost pile.

  • Make your own cleaning products or purchase earth friendly ones.

  • Swap out some OTC medications for herbal remedies.

  • Find a green shampoo/conditioner/body wash.

  • Purchase more organic products.

  • Plant something-flowers, garden, tree...

  • Join a co-op for fresh local produce or meats.

  • Take shorter showers.

  • Turn off the lights and open up the windows.

  • Take a bicycle, walk or carpool when possible.

  • Bring your own grocery bags when shopping.

  • Pick up trash in your neighborhood or at a local park.

  • Make nature crafts such as bird feeders or bird houses.

  • Use BPA-free reusable water bottles.

  • Get off junk mail lists.  GreenDimes can get you started.  They'll even plant a tree for you!

  • Landscape with native plants. Check out the article on the  EPA website.

  • Switch to fair trade coffee.

  • Do full loads of laundry and set the rinse cycle to "cold."

  • Teach your kids about the environment.

  • Buy in season.

Many of these things I do or they are on my list for this years changes.  If you need more information on any of these things or a specific how to, feel free to ask.  

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